Well being

September 22, 2021
What do dolphins eat

What do dolphins eat? Nutrition and curiosity

The first thing you need to know when we talk about dolphin nutrition is that it depends on the species and where they live. Some feed […]
August 9, 2021
how to grow broccoli sprouts

How to grow broccoli and wheatgrass sprouts at home:

In a famous scientific article, Clive M. Mc Kay, professor of nutrition science at the prestigious Cornell University, summarized in a few simple words the main […]
December 13, 2020
Detoxification Plan

Eliminate All Poisons from Your Body in 48 Hours – A Weekend Detoxification Plan

Do you feel tired and lack energy? Your skin is dry, have dark circles around your eyes that you can’t cover? All of these signs indicate […]
December 9, 2020
Handful of These Seeds

Only a Handful of These Seeds a Day Can Prevent Cancer and Fight Many More Diseases

Only a handful of these seeds a day can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, reduce cholesterol level, prevent cancer, protect against diabetes. They are good also […]
November 11, 2020
workout etiquette

It may not be posted, but workout etiquette essential

Just joined a gym for the new year? Most gyms have rules posted on the workout floor. But there is a list of unspoken etiquette guidelines […]
October 3, 2020
Height indicates growth

Height indicates growth, yet often mismeasured

Sometimes the simplest things come out wrong. Getting measured is an important part of children’s checkups, but a new study shows about two-thirds of the time […]