There are, sadly, many effects that can be experienced after a stroke. It is possible to recover from them in time but in the immediate aftermath you may see some of these signs and have some of these conditions.
First and foremost you will have a degree of muscle paralysis and weakness. There is also a big chance that the muscles will become weakened and need to be rebuilt. There can also be a loss of sensation in the body such especially the legs and the arms. It means that the things that you used to do and took for granted might become considerably harder. There is some support, if needed, from WAV Vehicles from Clarke Mobility as well as other mobility aids that can help with your everyday movements and tasks.
In some cases there is even the possibility of the muscles actually shrinking slightly in a condition known as Contractures, a facet of the spasticity that a stroke can bring. This is often due to the fact that the muscles become weakened and are used less than they were before and this leads to muscle wastage.
Finally the way you sense the world can also be changed. You may feel less affected by the cold or the heat. This means that you have to be careful with hot liquids. On the other side you will also start to be more affected by the stimulus of the outside world. Things like the radio or large gatherings can become too loud and difficult to deal with.