Modern new build homes are missing something. For the most part builders are trying to make them as green as they can with the material available. However it is inside that something is not being included anymore, mainly because they are now redundant. This is the fireplace. At one time there may well have been a fireplace in every room, or at least in the living room and sitting room. Our use of coal has diminished so much that there is longer a need for the traditional fireplace.
Instead we have radiators. Whether this is a greener choice is debatable. It certainly reduces the amount of wood smoke and coal smoke in the atmosphere. However, as most use natural gas to fuel the boiler it still relies heavily on fossil fuel to power it. The key element is the heating of the water. There are other ways to do this and the future has to be different. The efficiency of the boiler is important and this is why you need the services of Cheltenham Boiler Service to ensure your system is running smoothly.
There are ways to incorporate the radiator into a traditional fireplace. There are many coverings and faux mantle pieces that can be installed. In this way you can almost have a radiator fireplace in every room, So while we may not have the central hearth like we used to there is still the opportunity to have a space where the family can gather and talk about the day’s events and plans for the future.