If you are looking to sell your house or your bathroom is in such bad condition that you would like to improve it, read on. There are many things you can do to improve your bathroom and make it look modern and fresh. Obviously, the priorities when it comes to bathrooms is that everything is working as it should, and that everything is clean, but design is also important so you feel happy about your house, and to increase the value of your home.

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- The first way you can improve your bathroom is to add ventilation or update it. If there is a window but it is very old, you can change it to get double glazed windows, or update the frame to a sturdier, more modern one. You can buy some blinds or curtains that are resistant to the damp, ideally waterproof, that add to the design of the bathroom. It is important that there is sufficient air flow in the bathroom so that the humidity and damp does not cause mould. Mould and damp can affect your health negatively causing problems such as asthma, dermatitis and other respiratory problems, so it must be prevented or removed if there is already mould.

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- If there is mould on the grout in the bathroom, if you have tiles, you should clean it, but if a normal mould spray won’t remove it, you will likely have to take off the silicone, and refill the gaps. This is also a good opportunity to pick some new tiles for the walls.
- Lastly, if the plumbing in your house is very old, it could be time to change it. Copper Pipe Fittings are attractive and durable. Visit watkinspowis.co.uk/products/copper-pipe-fittings-and-press-systems/ to buy yours now.