There are many stages involved in the purchase of a house. Here are the stages that you will need to follow if you are going to be looking at buying any time soon.

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- Find a house that you like. This is harder than you think. The best thing is to be prepared to compromise. You’re not going to find somewhere that is completely perfect.
- Have a deposit. If you don’t have a deposit in place, you’ll need at least ten per cent of the property you’re looking to purchase. This can come from savings, government schemes and help from parents and relatives.

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- Contact a lender. You can directly contact banks and building societies yourself and conduct a mortgage application. This service is free. However, if you want to save yourself all of the hassle you could hire a broker to find a deal for you and have them talk to the bank instead. They will work to your specifications.
- Find a conveyancer. Conveyancing Cheltenham firm is one of the many that can help you get through the legal parts of the house purchase. This stage involves the valuation of the property that you’re looking to buy, the resolution of any covenants that might be in place and other legal matters that are involved with the property. It also sees the transfer of the funds from the lender to the seller’s conveyancer.