Employment contracts are a legal document that gives protection to both an employee and an employer. There are many aspects to these documents and they are often used in disciplinary proceedings as well as in cases of a Constructive Dismissal Claim that might be brought about from a company such as Employment Law Friend.

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Here are some of the key elements that you need to ensure that you have in all employment contracts.
The name of the employee and the employers details need to be included in the contract along with a number of particulars about the role:
- Job title, description of the role and any line management responsibility as well as who the role reports to.
- Salary and any bonuses and benefits should be given and these should always be the figures before tax is deducted.

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- The start date of the job role and the employee’s continuous service date should be given. For people new to your company this will be the same date. It will be different for people who are moving into a new role within the company.
- The location of the work, hours of work and holiday entitlement also need to be given in the employment contract.
- Information on sickness absence, notice periods and pension arrangements should also be included.
- The probationary period needs to be explicitly explained along with what happens in the event of this not being passed by the employee.