Nothing beats, in my opinion, a long hot soak in a bubble bath after a long hard day. It is an easy and luxurious way to literally wash away the woes of the day. Creating the perfect bath environment is key to have a thoroughly enjoyable time in the tub.
Once you have your bathroom decorated how you like with the bathroom suite of your choice you can set about making yourself the most indulgent bath you can.
Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to improve your soaking experience.
Firstly, selecting the right fragrance to go in your bath can be difficult along with the choice of bubble bath, bath milk, bath bombs or salts, it can seem like a bit of an overwhelming task. But the key is to think about what you want to get out of your time in the bath. Are you soaking in the tub to alleviate aching muscles? If so you may want to consider bath salts that are infused with essential oils. If you are looking to fall into a completely relaxed state, you may wish to indulge yourself with a baby bomb with a fragrance you enjoy. And if your bath is aimed at helping your skin then you should definitely go for a bath milk with its more moisturising properties.
Now, you’ve chosen what you are going to put in your bath, the next step is to create a relaxing environment. Now this might include turning off the lights and adding some candles around the bath. Perhaps turning on some music (although it is important to make sure you keep your phone or any other electrical devices well away from the water), or even enjoying a glass of wine or two!!
This could also include turning on the heating ready for when you get out of the bath so your nice and cosy, dressing gown and slippers at the ready. For the most effective kind of heating some links like will say that an Aluminium Radiator is best to install in your home due to the warmth being kept wrapped up in the aluminium.
Some people, myself included, like to take some of my bath time to enjoy reading quietly. Away from all the distractions of modern day life, reading in the bath means that I can really submerge (no pun intended) myself into the fictional world I am reading about. However, on more than one occasion there has been a close call with my book and the water and on one dreaded evening I actually dropped my copy of Harry Potter right in the middle of my bubbles. I can tell you the air turned blue on that day and not from the candles!!
So hopefully you have some ideas on how you can enhance your bath time routine and if you already do all of these things hopefully just reading this article has made you think about taking some time out for yourself and running that tap and lighting those candles. I know I am!