Most of us don’t drink anywhere near enough during the course of a day. What you might not realise, however, is just how much dehydration can affect your mood, health and performance. Here are some of the amazing benefits of drinking water:
Humans are made up of 60% water and our blood contains 90% water. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that replenishing this water is essential to help keep our joints functioning properly. Dehydration can lead to a loss in the joints’ ability to absorb shock.

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Saliva and mucus needs water to keep our noses, mouth and eyes moist. Water also helps to clean the mouth and prevent tooth decay.
Water helps to carry oxygen throughout the body. As blood is over 90% water, hydration is essential to help your blood to carry oxygen around the body. If you want to ensure optimal hydration, consider Water Coolers Wales from a site like
Water is vital to keep skin healthy and youthful. Dehydration can lead to premature wrinkling and even result in a propensity to developing skin disorders.

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Water aids the body in its ability to regulate temperature. The water is stored in the middle layers of the skin, rising to the surface to cool us through sweat and evaporation to cool the body. Dehydration can lead to an inability to tolerate heat.
- Blood pressure
Without hydration, our blood can become thicker which in turn raises blood pressure.