A baby shower is a great way to get everyone together before a baby is born and has become a popular ritual for mums to be and their friends and families. If you are planning to throw a baby shower, here are some ideas to help you to make it great…

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Gifts – A baby shower is so called because the mother to be is ‘showered’ with gifts for her and the baby. A gift list of things that might be needed is a good idea here, as you don’t want there to be duplicates. If it is a first baby, they are likely to not have as much preparation in advance, as with babies that come after, as a lot of the time people will reuse all of their previous things.
New clothes for baby, relaxing items for mum such as bath products, and useful gifts like baby wipes and nappies are all great ideas.

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Food – As with any party, it is good to have some food that everyone can enjoy. Baby showers are not the type of party where people spend the night drinking and dancing of course, but foods that can be enjoyed by everyone always go down well. Things like these afternoon tea boxes https://www.afternoonteabox.com are a great idea for a baby shower, as you don’t need to prepare anything, simply order them and they will be delivered ready to go.
Games – Another popular part of baby shower games, and there are loads of suggestions online. Baby themed games always go down well and include everyone.