It is incredibly important to always read your employment contract before signing on the dotted line. Unless you have a good reason not to, it is in your best interest to read the contract. You need to understand the full terms of your employment so as to avoid any future issues. This way you will be able to avoid any complications in the future, should you run into any and can smooth out any issues in the contract prior to being hired.
Why should you always read your employment contract before signing on the dotted line? Because if you don’t want to get into a bind where you have agreed to something and then change your mind, you need to know exactly what the consequences are if you change your mind. If you don’t like something, you should read it now and take it up with HR. If you don’t like some of the terms set out in the contract, you should question them before agreeing to them. For advice on employment matters, including making a Constructive Dismissal Claim, contact
An employment contract is a legally binding document so if you don’t like what the contract offers you, then you need to know what the alternatives are, should you wish to change jobs or hours, for example. In fact, you should read the contract before signing anything else, so you know what is covered and what is not covered as you will be bound by the terms of the contract, as will the employer.