Research shows that loneliness and social isolation can affect a person’s health. It has been linked with poor body image and low self-esteem. Studies also show that people who are socially isolated are at higher risk of depression. However, there are other benefits to socialising. It helps the brain maintain a healthy balance between mental and physical activity. Plus, it is good for our mental health. Here are the most important reasons why we should keep socialising as we grow older.
Socialising can improve your physical health. Recent studies have shown that fewer social interactions are associated with high blood pressure. Newer theories suggest that higher levels of social interaction may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Finally, it can make you happier. Older people who are socially active have healthier hearts and lower blood pressure, and they enjoy higher self-esteem. Make sure you can still get out and be active with the help of Mobility Aids from
Aging comes with many challenges for the mind and body, including a series of role transitions. You may have retired, become a grandparent, or need help from your children. While these challenges are inevitable, the social aspect of aging provides an outlet for learning from others. By interacting with people, we can share our experiences and perspectives, which can lead to a more positive outlook. It’s also beneficial for our physical health, so keep socialising as you age.