If you are planning to sell your house, make sure that your house is ready to receive viewers! Here are four tips to help you get your house ready to sell…
Deep Clean – Making sure that the property is clean, and tidy is important. Get rid of any clutter lying about and give attention to all of those overlooked areas of the house so it is spotless. If you have cupboards and wardrobes built in, don’t be tempted to hide stuff in them as people will likely want to look at the storage space.
Find the Right Estate Agent – This is an important part of selling your house. A local estate agent like this Gloucester Estate Agents www.mwea.co.uk/ will be able to help you with this process as they will have a good idea of the area and what price houses sell for like yours.
Re-Fresh – As well as the house being clean it is good to give it a freshen up. Fresh paint and things like clean folded towels in the bathroom and all repairs done will give a good impression to viewers.
Create a Good First Impression – Speaking of a good impression, focus on the front of the house as this will be the first thing people will see. Cut back untidy bushes, weed the driveway if you have one and give the front door a fresh coat of paint so that it looks its best.